The Accur­S­hear hydraulic press shear is a great com­bi­na­tion of sim­plic­i­ty and proven design and capa­bil­i­ties. The Accur­S­hear is made with a weld­ed and boxed-in bed table that has a high-tor­sion stiff­ness to bal­ance the load from the cut­ting force. It deliv­ers the strength, pow­er, and rigid­i­ty need­ed to cut down large pieces of car­bon and stain­less steel. The hydraulic press shear is an invalu­able tool that lets us stay at the fore­front of manufacturing. 
AccurShear Shear

AccurShear Shear

  • Equip­ment summary
    • The auto­mat­ed back­stops allow us to quick­ly shear mate­r­i­al with­out hav­ing to man­u­al­ly set up to cut.
  • Rat­ed capacity
    • 22GA to 1/2″ Car­bon Steel
    • 22GA to 3/8″ Stain­less Steel
  • Length
    • 144″
  • Auto­mat­ed backstop